Friday, August 3, 2018


Article 1:
 A Competitive Entrance Examination for the selection of one hundred and fifty (150) students for admission into the first year of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FET) of the University of Buea on the 6 th September 2018, for the 2018/2019 academic year.

Article 2:
The Competitive Entrance Examination shall be open to Cameroonians and foreigners of both sexes who fulfill one of the following sets of admission requirements:

a) General Certificate of Education ordinary Level in at least five subjects including
English Language,Mathematicsa, and Physics; and General Certificate of Education Advanced level in at least two subjects which must include Mathematics.
b) General Certificate of Education Technical Ordinary and •Advanced Levels in relevant subjects;
c) Baccalaureat C, D, F2 and F3;
d) Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Minister of Higher Education

Article 3:
Candidates who have written one of the above mentioned certificate (Article 2), but have not yet received their results, can register for the entrance examination. However, they will be required to present their results to the Faculty of Engineering and if they are successful in the entrance examination, before they can be admitted.

Article 5:
Application Procedure: Candidates are required to apply online at the University of Buea website
The online application will only be validated after payment of an examination fee of CFAF 20 000 (twenty thousand francs) in the following account:
Banque Atlantique, Account N O 10034-00040-94063630002-30

Article 6: The examination wili take piace in four centres which inciude Buea, Bamenda, Douala and Yaounde.

Article 7: The closing date for online application is 5th September 2018.

Article 8: The written examination shall consist of the following papers:
Mathematics----- 3 ---------------3 Hours
Phsics -------------3 ---------------3 Hours

Article 9: The venues of the various centres and the examination schedule will be specified subsequent!y by a press release made by the of the University of Buea.

Article 10: Candidates are required to be at the examination centre at least one hour before the beginning of the first paper. They are requested to come along with their National Identity Cards.

Article 11: The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea, the Director of University Accreditation and Quality and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of the University of Buea shall be responsible, each in his/her own sphere, for the o, ueCiSiC;n which shaii be registered and published wherever necessary.



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